Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on The Moor in the Works of William Shakespeare

The Sources and Representations of the Moor in the Works of Shakespeare One theme consistently reemployed throughout Shakespeares plays is that of the Other. The Other is usually characterized as a character that is somehow separated, stigmatized, or noted as being different from the mainstream ideal. For the Elizabethan England of Shakespeares time, it may have been a self-defensive maneuver against the encroachment of something which threatened too close to home (Bartels 450). Bryant lists several methods used to employ this convention of the Other: race such as that of Shylock and Aaron, nationality as in Iachimo, bastardy such as the characters Don John and Edmund, social status such as that belonging to Iago, and†¦show more content†¦Whether the term Moor had a definition of white or black, of pagan or Muslim religion, or area of origin seems to be interchangeable when one notes the differences between Shakespeares four characters. Sources of the Elizabethan image of the Moor most likely came from sources such as classical descriptions, act ual encounters, travel narratives, and literary conventions (Bartels 433). Why is the Moor prevalent during Shakespeares time? What was the importance of or the sources for this new Other in English literature? Shakespeare uses the Moor as being characterized in several ways and used for varied dramatic purposes. In order to have a full understanding of the Moorish character in Shakespeares works, one must look to historys relations and depictions of the Moor and how it influenced Shakespeare. Moors were characterized in Elizabethan England as being alternately or even simultaneously noble or monstrous, civil or savage. Being a different race meant, primarily, being an Other, non-English, as well as non-Christian (Braxton 8). The term Moor, as I have noted before, was fairly vague in definition. Bartels points out that in common usage, the word was used many times interchangeably with similarly ambiguous terms as African, Ethiopian, Negro, and even IndianShow MoreRelated Othello, The Moor of Venice Essay examples1319 Words   |  6 PagesOthello, the Moor of Venice is one of the major tragedies written by William Shakespeare that follows the main character, Othello through his trials and tribulations. Othello, the Moor of Venice is similar to William Shakespeare’s other tragedies and follows a set of specific rules of drama. The requirements include, following the definition of a tragedy, definition of tragic hero, containing a reversal of fortune, and a descent f rom happiness. William Shakespeare fulfills Aristotle’s requirementsRead MoreEssay The Tragedy of Othello1292 Words   |  6 PagesWilliam Shakespeare masterfully crafted Othello, the Moor of Venice as an Aristotelian tragedy play. The main protagonist of the play, Othello, is the perfect example of a tragic hero. 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Saturday, December 21, 2019

Effective Leadership For A Small Business - 989 Words

Effective Leadership in a Small Business Terry J. Phillips is from the small town of Bay Springs, Mississippi. He graduated from Bay Springs High School and then went to †¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¦.. to play baseball. He furthered his education and graduated from The University of Mississippi School of Pharmacy. After college, he moved back home where he is now a part owner and operator of Standard Drug Store. Standard Drugs has been in Bay Springs since the early 1980’s; however, Mr. Phillips did not buy into the company until 1998. Mr. Phillips and his two business partners employ, but most of all lead, ten others to provide the city of Bay Springs with high-quality healthcare. Right off the bat, Mr. Phillips was posed with the question of if he considers himself a natural leader or an educated leader. He believes he learned how to be a leader over his entire lifetime. As a young man, he recalls being captain of several sports teams, class president, and student body president. Al l these roles gave him insight of what it meant to be somewhat of a leader, but his father taught him how to be a good man. Being a good man eventually evolved into good leadership in his early adult years. He said he learned how to be a good leader through his education and most importantly through having children. After spending a few hours with Mr. Phillips, we had a very interesting conversation. We spoke intensively about his leadership philosophy and being an effective leader.Show MoreRelatedConcept Of Culture For Organizational Business1519 Words   |  7 Pagessignificance of the concept of culture for organizational business, we first must identify the two theories of culture theory and organizational theory. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Fear in the Things They Carried Free Essays

Tim O’Brien’s decision to go to Vietnam was out of the fear from disappointing his family and community. How does shame affect and play a role in the life of the soldiers in The Things They Carried? The Things They Carried is a book set in Massachusetts but the core of the book is based in Vietnam. A group of Soldiers go to war and Tim O’Brien decides to document the true effects of war but beneath his words, there were a lot of factors and double meaning to them. We will write a custom essay sample on Fear in the Things They Carried or any similar topic only for you Order Now The motif ‘Shame† played a huge part in every character in this book as it was a trait they all shared in common Shame in this context is not necessarily a bad thing as with the power of hindsight, we found it to have been a motivating factor for them during the war in more ways than one. They could decide to inflict injury on themselves as a way to get discharged from their military service but the fear of shame further guided them to be heroes for their country. The interesting thing about this book is that shame was a common factor shared by all men. Their fear of shame and weakness propelled them to act braver than they were. It is not a secret knowing that the soldiers were a little bit afraid of the war but they all did a good job in masking their shame and fears. In The Things They Carried, â€Å"They carried the common secret of cowardice barely restrained, the instinct to run or freeze or hide, and in many respects this was the heaviest burden of all, for it could never be put down, it required perfect balance and perfect posture† (77). In analyzing this quote, their instinct to run or hide had to be restrained due to fear of being made fun of by colleagues and being called a coward. The chapter â€Å"On the Rainy River† summarizes Tim’s moral fight against being drafted into an unjust war. The Vietnam War was one he strongly opposed and his decision to fight is not down to his bravery or him being a patriot, but that of the ‘fear of shame’ and being tagged a coward. Therefore he succumbed to the pressure. â€Å"I survived, but it’s not a happy ending. I was a coward. Related essay: Shame is Worth a Try I went to the war† (79). This statement is an example of how shame had him motivated. Him calling himself a coward was the fear of ‘shame’ out powering his principles. He initially thought of running off to Canada after being drafted but was scared that if he did not acknowledge the draft, he would be ridiculed/punished and that would be him disappointing his community and family. In order to avoid this shame facing him, he decided to be brave and go to war and fight for his country. He ended up going and survived the ains of the war due to shame being his motivating factor in his decision. Additionally, looking at Curt Lemons in â€Å"The Dentist†, shame was an igniting force leading to some of the characters bravery and heroism. Curt Lemon suffered an embarrassing fate in this chapter where he fainted before being observed by the visiting dentist. In fear of social acceptance and how the soldiers in the platoon would look at him, he decided to face his fea rs and shame by having his tooth removed although there was nothing wrong with it. One can attribute the survival of some of the soldiers to shame as it gave them the needed extra incentive to survive. With his renewed ego, this would make him feel stronger and ready for the worst (increasing his bravery while mitigating his shame). Shame, no matter how negative the definition seems to be, the characters in The Things They Carried made the most out of it by making it an unorthodox form of motivation for going to war and trying to survive it. Safe to say O’Briens characters (soldiers) value pride more than their life. Olumide Shodipo How to cite Fear in the Things They Carried, Essay examples

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Early Adulthood free essay sample

For this paper I interviewed my mom. She has been out of her mother’s house since she was 17, she is now 43. Physical Have you experienced weight gain? â€Å"I have gained around 70 pounds since high school but, I also had six kids along that way to help me gain this weight. I have been trying to workout lately but I can’t seem to find workouts that will help me get rid of the weight I gain over these years. I just want to lose a little weight. † What changes have taken place in terms of nutrition? I have defiantly let go through these last few years. Eating a lot more sugary things like candy and drinking WAY too much diet soda. Do you cook at home or eat out more often? â€Å"I eat out more than I cook, I cook all day at work the last thing I want to do is go home and cook. We will write a custom essay sample on Early Adulthood or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page So it’s easier to just eat out. † Do you eat breakfast regularly? â€Å"I never really ate breakfast even when I was young, just a small bowl of cereal or oatmeal. But I always drink my coffee every day, I function without it. † Do you have a regular exercise patterns? Only when you kids keep me going to the gym. When we go together it makes it easier to keep a schedule. † How has your exercise patterns change in early adulthood? â€Å"I was very active as teen. I played volleyball, danced, and loved to stay active. After starting my own family I lost my drive to, I focused more on you kids and the activities you guys did rather than my own activities. † Have you experience more colds or illness? â€Å"I don’t get sick very often. Only when you guys bring something home and smother me in your sickness. Have you experienced any aches, pains, and body changes? â€Å"Well yeah. My back is horrible my feet hurt all the time and my legs hurt if I stand too long. It’s a part of getting older. † Cognitive Since high school, what have you done to keep your mind active? â€Å"I enjoy doing puzzles, mostly Mahjong tiles on the internet. I also enjoy playing solitaire and games like that. † What hobbies have you discontinued or started? â€Å"Well I stopped painting; I can’t find the time or money to start that back up. But I have been crocheting and things like that more often. I was pretty good but I need a little work. I also stopped playing the piano, and haven’t picked that up either. What means do you use to self-reflect? â€Å"In high school I kept a journal, but now I just think about things, look at old pictures and things like that. † What other interest have you found in early adulthood? â€Å"I enjoy renovating the house, fixing little things here and there. I don’t know why but it keeps be pretty happy. I’ve also found photography, this I picked up when I worked with Marty and was taking the school pictures. Career Choices How have you attempted to establish yourself in term of career or a particular field? â€Å"I’ve just went with the punches, getting a job when I could, keeping it until I needed to find a better one. That was mostly when I was offered a job that offered more money or had better insurance for the family. Things like that. † How important has it been for you to match personal values with a career? â€Å"With six kids at home and no real college degree, not very important. I worked to make sure you kids would be okay and have things you wanted. I did enjoy some of my jobs don’t get me wrong, but I did get some of them to just have a job to support the family. † How has work, school, or both impacted your life? â€Å"I think work has made me understand why I should have stayed in school and finished my degree to become a nurse. It would have made my life a lot easier, not having to worry about money. † How do you view the phrases â€Å"I work to live† or â€Å"I live to work†? â€Å"I feel my life has been ‘I work to live’, that’s what I needed to do with my life to keep my family going. I had to work.