Thursday, September 3, 2020

Framing Carpentry

Have you at any point assembled anything with your hands? Possibly a perch room? Shouldn't something be said about a model vehicle or plane? We’ve all fabricated a gingerbread house previously; haven’t we? All things considered, regardless of what our identity is, or where we originate from, a large portion of us have constructed, or assisted with building, something with our exposed hands. The fulfillment an individual gets from finishing something with their exposed hands is a stunning inclination. Presently, have you at any point assembled a house previously? Indeed, I mean a whole house. Beginning based on what is essentially a heap of sticks. A great many people haven’t. Being a confining can give an individual fulfillment that isn't effortlessly found. Be that as it may, this isn't an occupation for the powerless. Being a woodworker might be one of the hardest and most perilous employments an individual can do regularly. Confining is a vocation that anyone ought to be glad to do. Not exclusively does is take a lot of physical and mental quality, yet it takes an artist’s contact too. Regardless of whether you lease a home, or own your own, someone put their blood, sweat, as well as attacks fabricating the spot you call home. Blood may not be as basic as sweat, and tears even less along these lines, however with the measure of physical vitality that it takes to manufacture a home, yours took in any event one of them; more probable two. I’ve been filling in as a surrounding woodworker for a fourth of my life, so I trust you take my assertion when I state it tends to be completely debilitating. An August day spent at the lake can deplete a man. That equivalent August day on a rooftop can arrive at 130+ degrees, and will push even the fittest men to their physical cutoff points. Individuals may state, â€Å"I hit the exercise center each night, I could deal with it. † Okay, put on a device belt and try it out. Be that as it may, recall, that instrument belt weighs around ten pounds. Presently factor in more than once, and I mean many times each day, lifting somewhere in the range of two to one hundred and twenty pounds; and don’t overlook the warmth. I’ve actually observed this channel a man’s vitality such a great amount of that in only one snapshot of weariness, he covered a saw (mind you a force found) in his left thigh just about four inches down. There was blood and tears, and for a second I dreaded for his life. Obviously this isn’t as basic as a firing yourself with a pneumatic nailer, cutting yourself on a lash, or stepping on a nail, however it occurs. These failures to comprehend the issues at hand occur for some little scope regular so you should consistently be intellectually mindful. There is a great deal more to building a house than having the option to buckle down. So much, and once in a while more vitality can be spent on the psychological procedure that happens. I inquired as to whether you’d ever fabricated a house from a heap of sticks. Basically, that is the thing that happens. Envision your home being conveyed on the rear of a truck. Also, dislike a Lego house that is prepared to assemble. Basic advances must be taken from the second you set that first nail. An error in that took five seconds to make could take days to fix. I know a person who constructed a 5,000 square foot fabricating excessively tall. I know a person who manufactured each window in the house six creeps to little. I know a person that cut more than 5,000 dollars worth of logs an inappropriate length. Sure these were inept and expensive slip-ups, however in the event that you can give me one individual that hasn’t committed a moronic error at work, I can show you a thousand who have. Being truly depleted shields your points of view from working appropriately. Your body will deal with its physical needs first, and in the event that you don’t have enough left it will close down intellectually. I accept this has happened to the greater part of us sooner or later; concentrating maybe? Keeping your brain new is most critical when you get to the rooftop. Making four diverse rooftop lines meet up amicably can be troublesome. Figuring different plots for each rooftop to mix impeccably can be a cerebral pain for even math majors. Be that as it may, when everything is said and done, you can glance back at your own little perfect work of art with satisfaction. Can you truly consider encircling a house†¦.. an artful culmination? Completely! Here in St George, UT we have a yearly occasion known as the Parade of Homes. This is the place neighborhood development organizations show of the aptitudes of their exchanges, and what I trust you could call their specialists contact. Huge numbers of us go to this yearly occasion, and gawp at the magnificence inside these homes. We take a gander at the inborn subtleties of a chimney or roof, yet don't set aside much effort to consider the work it took to construct these. It once took me daily and a half to manufacture chimney; with a partner. The subtleties were silly. It was something that ought to have been worked with froth, not wood. Six distinctive sweeps, some of which had moon cut openings with waves distending on each surface, and a light bar that followed the last one. Presently, did I feel like a craftsman upon fulfillment? You better trust I did; I felt like Picasso. It wasn’t simple to construct this with a force saw and pneumatic nailer from just a heap of sticks. In any case, it is decisively these kinds of activities that leave me with a mind-boggling feeling of pride. After the entirety of the houses I’ve constructed I despite everything invest heavily in my work. It feels great to pass through an area, and to recollect each house I’ve fabricated. There are recollections that strike a chord with each house. I can picture the primary house that I worked as a snort, just as the main I worked as a foreman. I recollect how great my first house as a foreman felt, and how I sat in my truck when we were done, and felt the pride of doing it my way. It’s consistently a nice sentiment to achieve something that you invest heavily in, and everyone needs that feeling. Regardless of whether it was a million dollar home, or a track home that took three days, it’s consistently felt great to complete a home and respect it. It’s incredible to realize that it was through my insight, aptitudes, and quality that I took a heap of sticks, and assembled a house. This is the reason I think encircling is an occupation to be glad for.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Ethnocentrism Definition Essay

What is ethnocentrism? Are ethnocentric qualities reflected in broad communications? Assuming this is the case, give models. If not, why not? Ethnocentrism is the point at which one places a culture, qualities, and perspectives over that of another culture. This can be related with American mainstream society as the message with any famous pattern will in general be a fame challenge. Regularly items are auctions based off the hint that it is better than some other item out there. For example, a famous repeating prevailing fashion is the Michael Jordan shoe, Air Jordans. These shoes have been around for quite a long time and have earned its fame through numerous networks. The shoe is so famous and select that more established shoes from the past are re-propelled for those that couldn't get them on the first dispatch date. The message that is available inside the promotion is that wearing Air Jordans makes you ‘cooler’ than any other person not wearing them. This can too be applied to some other name brand thing, for example, grain. General Mills has a message out there that you get more supplements from their grain over any brand. This may likewise be related with strict and distinctive ethnic gatherings when one accepts that their religion is better than the other dependent on their own qualities and convictions. Being ethnocentric can drive a wedge between connections as it is a type of bias. One should work on being increasingly open of different societies and convictions to help stay away from strife and structure individual associations with people inside another culture.

Friday, August 21, 2020

Reaction Paper on Roger and Me Essay Example

Response Paper on Roger and Me Essay Roger and Me is a narrative featuring Michael Moore that uncovers the hard hitting monetary effect General Motors left on Flint, Michigan. All through the film obviously General Motors was a colossal factor in Flint’s budgetary framework and gradually by most likely it becomes apparent that a considerable lot of the inhabitants living in Flint were inevitably someway shape or structure influenced by cutbacks from General Motors. These cutbacks originated from General Motors endeavor to embrace the idea of globalization, at the same time General Motors attempts to bode well out of the lay offs by expressing that the Japanese car producers were exceptional rivalry and their solitary outcome at the time was to either close the production lines or seek the legislature for endowments. While this is being stated, reality had been informed that General Motors was encountering the absolute most noteworthy benefit rates in the earlier long periods of that organization. There are two or three reasons why I would halfway agree with Roger Smith, anyway allowed the chance to be set in Mr. Smiths shoes my faithfulness would be totally with the laborers that helped General Motors make the organization what it was. Globalization. This is the way to practically any significant enterprise, why? Since everyone’s objective is to be beneficial all through the seven mainlands just as number one, and so as to be the best u must take your organization on a global level. This is actually what Roger smith was attempting to achieve. We will compose a custom article test on Reaction Paper on Roger and Me explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Reaction Paper on Roger and Me explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Reaction Paper on Roger and Me explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer From a business perspective it is comprehended that regardless of how well your doing, you generally need to improve, anyway putting 80,000 individuals jobless with no simply reason other than the dollar signs blazing in ones eyes is unsatisfactory. What I watched was a man who not just attempted to raise his organization to a worldwide level, yet in actuality had an unquenchable desiring for cash. This announcement is demonstrated when General Motors made an immediate venture into Mexico hence as opposed to paying the reliable representatives real working rates, neighborhood Mexicans would be paid close to nothing. General Motors left a gigantic imprint on Flint, Michigan, and subsequent to viewing Roger and Me it left a tremendous imprint on my considerations about the organization. In the wake of devastating Flint’s monetary state Roger Smith didn't set aside the effort to confront the ghastly realities. Truth of the issues is he knew how it would influence the town yet honestly couldn't have cared less by any means. With the plants shutting it not just negatively affected the representatives who worked their, yet the entire town. With 80,000 positions being lost in one town that is sure to influence 9 out of 10 family units in Flint in the end making the entire town fall. Most average workers residents can't live off of one salary if their life partner isn't working and with General engines done having the option to gracefully the heft of the occupations in Flint any more drawn out this made individuals move enthusiastically and some reluctantly. Numerous organizations had to shut down in light of the fact that there was nobody left any more extended to help the business’s remain a buoy monetarily. This tragically was an occasion that Flint till this day has not recuperated and appears if the town will never recoup. Right up 'til the present time Flint is neediness blasted, and deserted structures are as yet empty. Just to think back on the decimation Roger Smith brought to this town, I wonder in the event that he at any point truly investigated what he had done to a whole town and on the off chance that he had at any rate an ounce of regret by any stretch of the imagination. Honestly I don’t think he could possibly do, yet that is a desire I might want to materialize so he could comprehend the weight he set in these diligent employees loaded up with faithfulness. Indeed in my brain Michael Moore was 100% right with drawing nearer Roger Smith the manner in which he did and I totally concur with the reasons he attempted to reach him. As it were I do feel that an organization ought to have a faithfulness to their representatives and the other way around. Given an alternate money related issue concerning General Motors I would have potentially comprehended in the event that they needed to lay off two or three individuals or perhaps close one plant, yet there were no monetary difficulties to be anticipated by any means, simply unadulterated insatiability. Roger Smith ought to have taken ownership of what he did rather than continually fleeing from questions that he was unable to reply and still return home with a perfect still, small voice. Just to consider the disregard to think about the government assistance of faithful workers sickens me and gives me a negative point of view toward General Motors. Postulations kind of issues impact the normal specialist as myself, since I myself have worked for organizations where individuals devote themselves to an occupation just as do everything the activity asks and all the more just to receive nothing consequently except for a handshake out the entryway. By and large I appreciated this film since it freed my eyes up to a great deal that goes on in this world, not simply inside General Motors. Despite the fact that I have seen this film before I never got an opportunity to dismember the explanations for Roger Smith activities and didn’t truly take a gander at how it crushed a town, took the town from something, to literally nothing. Given the upsetting impact that General Motors caused, I feel as if an organization ought not be permitted to handicap a network this way, it just is by all accounts ethically shameful. Beside that, the unfaithfulness would make anybody go to the organization they work for and gauge the amount they are placing into an occupation, and what they are receiving in return and work certainly ought not be that way. Ideally later on there could be something unchangeable to shield another organization from making annihilation our own American individuals.

Monday, June 8, 2020

Stock Market Essay Example Pdf - Free Essay Example

Critically discuss the various modes of entry for which an organisation can internationalise their operations. Is there one mode that is preferred above others? International expansion is one of the key strategic devices available to any firm looking to grow its operations. However, once the decision to internationalise has been arrived at, organizations have at their disposal numerous options in terms of mode of entry. Each of these strategies offers advantages and drawbacks in regards to the opportunity for the firm to realise transaction savings, enhanced market access and returns, and improved level of control (Sitken and Bowen, 2010). This paper critically appraises the key choices available to businesses seeking to expand globally. Following an empirical comparison of the costs and benefits of these approaches, and drawing on the key theoretical framework in the international business literature (OLI eclectic paradigm), the paper seeks to identify whether one mode of entry is preferred above others. In examining both the international business literature and the empirical movements of internationalising firms, it is clear that the number of options open to globally expanding businesses is myriad (Hennart, 2001). It is worthwhile, therefore to provide an overview of the principal benefits and drawbacks of those options. Table 1 demonstrates that in making their decision, internationali sing firms must balance a number of possible gains and losses. Table 1: Key modes of entry to foreign markets, costs and benefits Mode of entry Costs Benefits Exporting an existing product or service Transaction costs may be high. Trade and tariff barriers may exist Firm may realise economies of location and experience International franchising or licensing Limited control over overseas product/service quality. Limited capacity for international strategic coordination Relatively low risk since the business model has already been tested in a market. Turnkey contracts Long term market presence is limited Opportunity to realise process technology returns in economies with limited experience of Foreign Direct Investment Horizontal acquisition Relatively high risk, particularly in relation to cultural differences Capacity for international strategic coordination Firms can realise economies of experience and location. Technology/patents are protected Joint Ventures/Strategic alliances Firm loses control over quality and technology. Costs of development and other risks are shared with the collaborative partner. Internationalising firm can access the localised knowledge of its partner. In the modern globalised economy, the most popular international activity of producing firms is exporting (Buckley, 2009). Although there is some scholarly debate regarding the extent to which exporting activity can truly be deemed ‘internationalisation (Cantwell, 1992), sending goods abroad for sale in overseas markets seems to be the preferred way for businesses to enter foreign markets, and it can often provide a foretaste or capability building for those seeking physical international expansion at some point in the future (Chang, 1995). This mode of entry is particularly useful for businesses that are lacking in financial and other resources necessary for physical location overseas, and for this reason, it is a particularly popular internationalisation activity of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) (Lu and Beamish, 2006; Coviello and McAuley, 1999). For these firms, as well as their larger counterparts, the key benefit of exporting home-produced goods i s often that the costs of setting up a new, wholly owned plant abroad – which are often substantial, and subject to significant regulation – can be avoided (Welch, Benito and Petersen, 2007). Firms that take a longer-term strategic view and have access to the necessary resources, do, however, often find that the costs of production are cheaper overseas, particularly if the internationalising firm is based in the West and relocates to the Far East or Indian subcontinent (Argawal and Ramaswami, 2002). Nevertheless, exporting firms can realise substantial economies of both location and experience through the boost to their global sales volume offered by a new exporting activity. In spite of the opportunity to reduce costs in this way, there are other costs associated with exporting. The firm will likely face trade barriers that vary depending on the laws and regulations governing the target market; these are usually in the form of tariffs, but may take other forms, such as caps (Hill, 2010). Incurring such costs will increase the expense associated with exporting. Extensive government regulation such as the import tariffs just mentioned can hinder the level of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) attracted to an economy, and in these instances, it is often preferable for the home firm to involve itself in what is known as a turnkey contract, rather than in exporting activity (Hill, 2010). Turnkey contracts refer to projects in which two or more firms provide resources to establish a production facility. Typically, such contracts are entered into when the home firm possesses specific knowledge relating to the production of the good, but a collaborating partner, or contractor is needed to input the technological capital, market knowledge or some other resource specific to the host nation (Sitkin and Bowen, 2010). The ability to bypass trade barriers is thus the major benefit of these collaborative projects; furthermore, the internationalis ing firm has access to the expertise of the host partner. Despite these advantages, there are some drawbacks to this mode of entry. In allowing the host firm access to its own capabilities, the internationalising firm may inadvertently be creating a competitor once the contract comes to a conclusion (Sitkin and Bowen, 2010). To combat this drawback, a longer-term partnership may be necessary, and the key devices for these are licenses and franchising agreements (Hill, 2010). While these two methods of foreign entry are distinct in terms of contractual format, they do share commonalities in terms of nature, and as such, are considered together here. A licensing arrangement is an agreement through which the firm in the host country is granted the rights to produce or offer a product in return for payments of a regular royalty. Franchising involves a similar agreement, although the terms of the contract are often shorter, and the arrangement typically involves a service instea d of a product. As with turnkey projects and exporting arrangements, such agreements enable the internationalising business to avoid the risks and costs associated with the physical establishment of a plant in an overseas market (Doherty, 2007). This also enables the business to gain a foothold in several international markets simultaneously, so that this mode of entry is particularly attractive for businesses seeking to expand quickly (Sitkin and Bowen, 2010). On the other hand, by extending the license to produce its product or offer its services to an overseas, unrelated firm, the host company correspondingly relinquishes control of its strategic development, marketing and sales activities, and, importantly, reputation. This is a crucial disadvantage for retail and other service-oriented companies in particular, for their customers are unable to cognitively perceive ownership differences among franchised entities and typically demand the same level of service from all branc hes operating under identical titular umbrellas (Doherty, 2007). Until now, the foreign market entry modes that have been considered have been distal in terms of the relationship between the home and the host country. The remaining two methods of entry differ in that they do involve the physical establishment of the internationalising firm in the host country. A firm utilising a horizontal acquisitional strategy procures a company that already exists in its target market, typically by purchasing the firms shares, stocks or assets (DePamphilis, 2009). Acquisitions may be either friendly or hostile. A friendly acquisition involves the presentation of offers and counter offers among the executives of the bidding and target organization, while a hostile acquisition, known as a takeover, occurs in spite of the wishes of the target firm. There are considerable advantages associated with an expansionary strategy pursued through acquisitions. Primarily, the internationalising fi rm is able to achieve economies of scales, â€Å"whereby long-run average total costs falls as the quantity of output increases† (Mankiw, 2011: p. 272). With the purchase of an existing operation comes its bundle of resources, including its technology, inventory, manpower and human capital. The addition of these assets to those already held by the home company enables the firm to boost both its output, and its efficiency, which in turn, lowers per-unit costs (Hill, 2010). The internationalising company is also, through this method, able to acquire the proprietary rights to the goods produced by the acquired firm. This serves as a unique benefit for it is likely that the products that are produced by the acquired firm are already settled in the foreign market. Thus, such an acquisition is an effective means for the internationalising firm to gain a foothold in a foreign market which is likely to be unfamiliar to them (DePamphilis, 2009). In addition, the acquiring compa ny can develop its technical know-how through the procurement of the proprietary information, and the local human capital (for instance in operations management, research and development, or distribution) that would be otherwise difficult to come by on the open market (Hill, 2010). In business parlance, this is known as knowledge transfer and it is known to be a major driver of innovation, performance and growth (Sitkin and Bowen, 2010). Yet mergers and acquisitions are known to be complicated, drawn out affairs (DePamphilis, 2009). As well as the resistance that is often met from shareholders, employees and, even, at times, the government, the accounting, legal and taxation requirements of acquisitions can be extremely onerous. Any firm wishing to enter a foreign market using this strategy will need to hire experts in the local regulations, which can substantially increase costs. Relatedly, appraising the value of the target firm can often prove difficult and will involve the use of lawyers, corporate intelligence investigators, accountants and other consultants. These experts are particularly necessary when the takeover is hostile (DePamphilis, 2009). These costs are largely avoided by internationalising firms that opt instead to start a joint venture with a similarly minded entity based in the target foreign market. A joint venture is a new firm established by two or more parties (Hill, 2010), and it offers considerable advantages, principal of which is the ability of each partner to â€Å"absorb the skills of the other† (Hamel, Doz and Prahalad, 1989: p. 134). As suggested by the resource based view of the firm, (Wernerfelt, 1984), competitiveness and overall business success generally accrues to those firms that, relative to others, are able to capitalise on their resources or skills in a given market. Through a joint venture, collaborating parties are able access the resources and capital (social, financial, and human) of the oth er. One contemporary example of this is given by Costa Coffee China, which is a joint venture between a UK based corporation, Costa Coffee, and two Chinese firms, Yueda South Holdings and Hualian Group (Swan, 2012). In a case study offered by Swan (2012), it is theorised that Costa entered into this partnership instead of going it alone (as, for example, its American competitor, Starbucks does in China), because Costa wanted to capitalise on the knowledge of the local, embryonic coffee market held by those firms, and the opportunity for assistance in navigating the considerable red tape facing businesses in China. As with franchising, however, there is some relinquishment of control, and the success of joint ventures is inextricably linked to the ability of partners to overcome cultural differences. Indeed, it has been estimated that the failure rates of joint ventures due to cultural misunderstandings is as high as 90 per cent (Sitkin and Bowen, 2010). To summarise then, t here are a myriad of options open to businesses seeking to internationalise. But, is any one mode preferred above all others? Considered in a decontextualised way, the fact that each mode has both drawbacks and advantages (see table 1) would suggest that no one method is favourable. However, no decision is entered into in a vacuum and several theories have been advanced to predict the optimal choice for firms. Chief of these is John Dunnings OLI Eclectic Paradigm model (Hill, 2010). In this model, mode of entry is dependent on the ownership benefits (O), location benefits (L) and internalisation benefits (I) of each option. Applied to the various options available to internationalising firms, a preferred mode of entry may indeed be identified. For instance, businesses that are less able to transfer their ownership benefits (such as their brand name) to the host nation would do well to choose a joint venture over an acquisitional strategy, while businesses that appraise few adv antages to locating overseas are likely to opt for distal strategies, such as exporting, or licensing. References Argawal, S. and Ramaswami, S. (2002). Choice of Foreign Market Entry Mode. Impact of Ownership, Location and Internalization Factors. Journal of International Business Studies 23 (1), pp. 1-15 Buckley, P.J. (2009). Internationalization thinking: From the multinational enterprise to the global factory. International Business Review 18 (3), pp. 224-235 Cantwell, J. (1992). A Survey of Theories of International Production. In Pitelis, C. and R. Sugden. The Nature of the Transnational Firm. London: Routledge Chang, S. J. (1995). International Expansion Strategy of Japanese Firms: Capability Building Through Sequential Entry. Academy of Management Journal, 38(2), pp. 383-407 Coviello, N. E., McAuley, A. (1999). Internationalisation and The Smaller Firm: A Review Of Contemporary Empirical Research. Management International Review 39(3), pp. 223-256 DePamphilis, D.D. (2009). Mergers, Acquisitions and Other Restructuring Activities. Burlington, MA: The Academic Press D oherty, A. M. (2007). The Internationalization of Retailing: Factors Influencing the Choice of Franchising as a Market Entry Strategy. International Journal of Service Industry Management, 18(2), pp. 184-205 Hennart, J-F. (2001). Theories of the Multinational Enterprise. In Rugman A. M. and T. L. Brewer (eds.) (2001) The Oxford Handbook of International Business. Oxford: Oxford University Press Hamel, G., Doz, Y.L. and Prajala, C.K. (1989). Collaborate with your competitors and win. Harvard Business Review, pp. 133-139 Hill, C.W.L. (2010). International Business: Competing in the Global Marketplace. London: McGraw-Hill Lu, J. W., Beamish, P. W. (2006). SME Internationalization And Performance: Growth vs. Profitability. Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 4(1), pp. 27-48 Mankiw, N.G. (2011). Principles of Economics. Mason, Ohio: Thomson South-Western Sitkin, A. and Bowen, N. (2010). International Business: Challenges and Choices. Oxford: Oxford University Pr ess Swan, K. (2012). Interdisciplinary Approaches to Product Design, Innovation, and Branding in International Marketing. London: Emerald Welch, L. Benito, G. and Petersen, B. (2007) Foreign Operation Methods: Theory, Analysis, Strategy. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Wernerfelt, B. (1984). The Resource Based View of the Firm. Strategic Management Journal 5(2), pp. 171-180

Sunday, May 17, 2020

My Philosophy Of Education Essay - 7393 Words

My Philosophy Of Education I have come to believe over the past year as a Professional Development School intern that one method or one teaching style limits the ability of the teacher and the students to learn effectively in the classroom. I believe that learning is a fluid activity and therefore changes constantly within the classroom community. I believe that we all are constructs of our past experiences and that these experiences influence the way we perform in our lives. The education of students cannot be dependent on a particular style of teaching or learning because we are all different. Students are diverse learners and process learning in a variety of different ways. Reaching these students with one learning style, I†¦show more content†¦As I began to explore this new challenge before me, I went to each class with enthusiasm and completed all the required work that was assigned to me, participated in class discussions about literature, and written so many papers that I felt my whole wor ld revolved around books, reams of paper, and a computer screen. My conception of a classroom community was based on my previous experiences in an educational setting. I did what was expected of me or what I had perceived was the â€Å"right thing† to do. My limited exposure to other educational settings limited my ability to see any other classroom community. My vision of education was teacher-centered with limited student interaction. The classroom community was orderly, quiet, and without commotion. This preconceived idea was only solidified as I began my graduate studies. The English classrooms I entered at this level mirrored my previous educational settings. The classes were lecture centered and the students took copious notes and wrote papers in hopes of getting the good grade. I preferred this setting because it was comfortable for me but did offer the opportunity for discussions and generating ideas about literature. When I entered the PDS program in the fall of 2000 I had no idea what this program was really about except the word â€Å"Ambiguity† was used almost daily and I was to think of myself as a learner,Show MoreRelatedMy Philosophy On The Philosophy Of Education844 Words   |  4 PagesIn mathematics, as in life, everything must be brought to the simplest of terms. I base my teaching philosophy on the foundation that every student is capable of learning mathematics. I will strive, as a teacher, to ensure that my students are able to have a strong foundation of mathematical skills when they leave my classroom. Some students believe that they are not mathematically gifted; therefore, incapable of learning mathematics. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

What Does The Newest Research Tell Us About Online Dating

What does the newest research tell us about online dating? Why is the industry so powerful? How does it work? What are the real risks and dangers of online dating? The innovation of online dating did not even enter the vocabulary of romance until the end of second millennium, following the fast advances of the technology and the internet. In the last decade, searching for romantic partners via online dating sites has become a visible and common strategy for those looking for companionship. As of 1999, only two percent of American singles had used some form of online dating sites. By 2002, one in four singles had used online dating sites (Orr, 2004). However with an exponential increase in its use, there is still the underlying question of safety to consider. While there are many ways to find potential dates online, the use of dating websites – websites specifically oriented toward helping people looking for romance – is increasing rapidly and has become a common use d means of finding potential romantic, or sexual partners (Ellen, 2009). In U.S survey of general public, only fifteen percent said they knew someone who had been in a long-term relationship with, or married, someone they met online (Madden Lenhart, 2006). To participate in most online dating websites, an individual registers by providing basic or personal information, filling out a profile indicating desired mate preferences, and sometimes completing personality tests. Most websites offer theirShow MoreRelatedThe Effects Of Social Media On Mental Health1580 Words   |  7 Pagesmost. Firstly, there have been significant links between our online presence and other aspects of our mental health, which has inspired the subject matter of many recent research studies around the world. 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Marketing Falls Mountain Lodge

Question: Discuss about the Report for Marketing of Falls Mountain Lodge. Answer: Introduction In this assignment, a case study report has been developed for the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. It is a small boutique facility of national repute located within the Mount Taranaki National Park of New Zealand. The hotel provides premier accommodation and proposes to expand the room capacity by 15 and exclusive tramping packages. Guests have the opportunity to experience spectacular scenery while enjoying exclusive adventure packages within the environmentally pristine national park. The resort helps to develop clean green environment along with peaceful relaxation. The objective of this assignment is todevelop a Strategic Marketing Plan. It is required to develop vision of the company for 3-5 years. The scope of the report is to analyze the consumer behavior for the resort in line with Tourism life cycle and sustainabilityanalysis. The website of the resort has been analyzed in order to find the possible targets for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. In addition, it has been analyzed which part of the market are not considered in the website. There are 5 key points have been provided to improve to the website of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. It has also been discussed in this report that Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge can utilize Walshs (2015) Research Opportunity Spectrum in Conjunction with Kozak and Martins (2012) to improve offerings for gold and platinum tourists. Finally a critical review of the promotional strategies for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has been developed that will result in channel growth, profitability and increase in revenue. At the last part some recommendations have been provided to the resort for future improvement. Development of a strategic marketing plan As Hosany and Martin (2012) mentioned that, strategic marketing plan is the written document that can be considered as the set of decisions that an organization is trying to achieve. It is a set of goal along with a set of tactics and strategies to achieve those goals. In this section, a strategic marketing plan has been developedfor Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge for three years. Situational analysis PEST analysis Political factor As Manyika et al. (2013) mentioned that, political environment that exists within a country has significant impact on the hotel and tourism industry. It has been found that politics has affected the daily life of many citizens in New Zealand. Hotels and resorts have to come up with ways to cope with the political situation of New Zealand. According to Sigala et al. (2012), the political approach has significantly affected the ability of local visitors to travel around the country. It has been analyzed thatthe business of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge depends largely on international and local tourists. The New Zealand government has taken various approaches to determine the number of foreign tourist who will visit the country. Economic factors It has been found that the economic focus of the country is on tourism (Kang et al., 2012). The average income level of the country has affected the business performance of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. According to Australian Bureau of Statistics the average household income of New Zealand is $67,000 (Hamel Breen, 2013). In addition, the inflation rate has also affected the performance of hotel industry in New Zealand. It has been found that inflation rate of the country is 0.70%, which is considered as the lowest in the world (Kabani, 2013). Social factors The key social factor that affects the business of hotel industry is the consumer life style and the existing food consumption trends (Kang et al., 2012). It has been found that 72% of the total population of New Zealand lives in urban areas (Sigala et al., 2012). They are becoming more health conscious. Their opinion about food and services offered by an organization has significantly affected the business performance of hotel industry. Technological factors As Hosany and Martin (2012) mentioned that adaption of technology ahs significant impact to determine the amount that a customer is willing to pay for the hotels. Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has improved its standard in order to meet the expectations of tourists. The company has automated its booking system so that customers can book their rooms via interne. In addition, adoption of social media marketing helps the resort to expand its business. Figure 1: PEST analysis for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge (Source: Okazaki Taylor, 2013) SWOT analysis Strengths The hotel provides premier accommodation and proposes to expand the room capacity by 15 and exclusive tramping packages. Guests have the opportunity to experience spectacular scenery while enjoying exclusive adventure packages within the environmentally pristine national park. It helps the resort high end customers towards it. Weakness The resort is unable to attract middle income level customers due to its high price. In addition, the hotel has some issues related with security and maintenance. The resort has limited its market by not having wireless internet available throughout the hotel. Opportunities The resort should lower its price of rooms in order to attract the local medium income level tourists of New Zealand. The resort can improve its website and increase social media marketing to expand its market. The resort has to focus on product differentiation. Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has already started too differentiate their products and services for different customers (Gold level and platinum level). Threats The major threat of the resort is the competitiveness of hotel industry. The resort has to go through constant pressure in order to improve its standard. The increasing rate of tax and changing regulations poses major threat for the resort (Manyika et al., 2013). Figure 2: SWOT analysis for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge (Source : Trusov et al., 2012) Setting vision/ objectives for the company According to Abdulsater et al. (2014), situational analysis helps to answer the question where are we now. Setting the vision or marketing objectives can help to answer the question where do we want to go. In this stage, goals for the company has been developed that can translate the mission of the organization into easily understandable statements related with markets, sales, marketing mix and occupancy. Mission and vision of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge The mission of the resort is to delight our guests every time by creating engaging experiences straight from our heart. The vision of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge is to be the first choice for guests, colleagues, shareholders and business partners. Reducing price of rooms in order to attract middle income level customers 1st year Development of social media marketing activity 2nd year Looking to expand business in other cities of New Zealand 3rd year Figure 3: Objective of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge for next 3 years (Source : Kwong et al., 2012) Development of marketing strategy As Khanna and Palepu (2013) stated that, a proper marketing mix is a crucial for the success of a hotels marketing effort. Marketing mix helps to indicate several variables to target specific category of guests. 1) Services and facilities In order to attract potential customers and guest, the management team of the resort needs to focus on facilities and services. The resort have to select right services and facilities, develop effective promotional strategies (both online and offline) and finally needs to develop effective pricing strategy to attract middle level customers. Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge can improve product offerings like food and beverage, transportation facilities, entertainment, health and wellness facilities, parking facilities, health and wellness facilities. The resort can cater different facilities for different market segments. For example, a leisure guest on a family looks for wellness and recreational facilities of the resort. On the other hand, business travelers like to have facilities like video conferencing, internet connectivity and video conferencing. 2) Place and distribution The hotel is located at the end of Manaia Road in Egmont National Park on Mt. Taranaki. It is located in the native forest, which is itself an attraction (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge,2016). The visitors can enjoy the relaxing Alpine environment with cozy log fires and cold wet days (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge,2016). The resort can use both direct and indirect methods to reach potential customers. Direct Methods Indirect Methods Global Distribution System (GDS) Printed Media Advertisements Hotel Website Booking System Telephone calls Banner Advertisements (Facebook ads and Google ads) Event Planner Travel Agents Online Travel portals (HotelIQ, Trip Advisor) Independent travel agents Independent hotel representatives Figure 4: Direct and indirect methods to reach potential customers (Source : Mullins, 2012) 3) Communication and promotions The sales and marketing director of the resort should try to develop the most effective promotion and communication mix. As Abdulsater et al. (2014) stated that promotion is the method in which a hotel can communicate with its target customers. There is various communication and promotion channels, the resort can use to develop effective communication with tourists. They are such as Facebook Page, Brochures, Hotel websites, Twitter Channel, TV commercials, billboards. 4) Room rate or pricings As Bergek et al. (2013) mentioned that, development of appropriate marketing strategy is a significant aspect of the marketing mix strategy. In order to attract potential customers the resort has to develop appropriate price for the luxury rooms and normal rooms, food and beverage menus. If they are not priced competitively then potential guests can reject the hotel service. As Khanna and Palepu (2013) stated that rates of the hotel rooms has to be categorized in accordance to the change of season. During the peak season, the resort can charge highest (almost double of the normal rate) to the guest. Wang et al. (2012) argued that there is no defined peak season for hotels and it varies hotel to hotel. During the off-season, the demand becomes lowest. At this time, the resort has offer attractive packages for visitors such as Stay for 3 nights and pay for 3 nights. Identification of potential consumer behaviour for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge Analysis of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge website The website of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has some following in-page contents. They are such as home, rooms rates, bookings, gallery, location, packages, about us, activities and caf. In the home page, a brief description of the resort has been given along with the guest book. In the guest book, customers share various positive reviews about the company (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge, 2016).In the rooms and rates section, description of various types of rooms and their rates has been provided. Customers can book their hotels via online form this section. They are like Honeymoon Suite $230.- for Bed and Breakfast, or $340.- for *Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Package, best views book the Panorama Room 8: $200.- for Bed and Breakfast, or $310.- for *Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Package. The resort has also Spacious Room 5 with views over South Taranaki and Native Bush: $190.- for Bed and Breakfast, or $299.- for *Dinner, Bed and Breakfast Package (based on two guests) (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge,20 16). There are various other types of rooms with different prices, which are discussed in this section. For any booking related enquiry, customers should visit the booking section given in the website. In the gallery section, different images of Mt. Taranaki have been provided along with different delicious foods and luxuries available in the office. In the location section, the map of the resort has been provided along its coordinates and directions. In the "about us section, a brief description about the host has been provided. In the activity section, all the attractive spots near the resort location have been provided. It has been found that there are three major attractive locations are found near the resort. They are such as Envirofur (Possum factory), pioneer village and Tawhiti Museum (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge,2016). Possible targets for Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge based on the website After analyzing the website of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge, it has been found that the resort mainly focus on quality rather than cost. The management of the hotel always tries to improve customer experience so that they come back again. All the facilities along with friendly behavior, high standard of foods makes it a luxurious resort. Form this analysis it has been found that, the resort is mainly looking to impress high-end customers. No effort has been provided to cut down the cost of rooms. Due to all the luxuries and facilities, the cost of rooms becomes high. For this reason, it has become almost impossible for local tourists (middle level of income) to afford a room at Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. Hence, it can be stated that middle-income level customers are missing from the target market of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. The messages given by the website With the help of the website, management of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge tries to send the message to the target market that they can enjoy the the parks natural beauty and rich heritage while relaxing in the Swiss style suites. Tourists can have the opportunity to meet with people from all over the world and share delicious foods with each other. They can expect to have a home like experience and friendly behavior form the workers of the resort. It has been mentioned in the company website that It is a privilege for our family to welcome you as guests into our home and to have the pleasure to share this beautiful part of our country. Our hope, on your way down the mountain, is that you carry with you two of lives precious gifts - fond memories and new friends (Dawsonfallsmountainlodge,2016). points to improve the website There are 5 specific points have been mentioned in which the resort can improve its website. Theyare mentioned below: 1) They need to share blogs about different interesting topics related with the lodge. It can be about the location, foods simply just about customers experience during their vacation in the lodge. These blogs can be about room deals or facilities available in the hotel that makes it special. 2) The management of the resort needs to modify the web page and need to add online booking option at every page. 3) They need to implement direct chatting option in the website so that they can interact with customers directly. 4) They can add some money saving packages to attract middle-income level tourists of New Zealand. 5) Give surprise offers for a certain group of customers. For example, Twitter followers and Facebook followers. Consumer behaviour in line with Tourism life cycle and sustainability analysis As Wang et al. (2012) stated that, in order to develop awareness about consumer behaviour, it is required to understand key requirements of the potential market. As Mohammed, and Rashid (2012) stated that Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups or organizations and the process they use to select, secure, use and dispose the products, services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these process have on the consumer and society. It has been found that, presently tourists have become more health conscious. Quality of foods has become one of the most significant factors that can provide sustainable position to the resort in the highly competitive market of New Zealand. Bergek et al. (2013) stated that, presently tourists are looking forward to get extra facilities and luxuries in a resort. For instance, if a tourist comes to stay in a resort for any business purpose, then he or she will expect to get fast and unlimited internet access. On the other ha nd, if a couple come for honeymoon purpose then they will look forward to have luxuries like spa treatment, tourist guides. What are 5 key points on how Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge management could entice the Gold tourist to stay at the lodge? In order to become gold member of the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge, tourists required to spend 10 nights per year. (It is required for elite status). It has been found that 10% elite bonus required for the Gold tourist. They can book rooms 50 days in advance for reward nights. The facilities that can be provided to the Gold tourists so that Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge can entice them to stay in the resort are mentioned below: Roll-in shower Free breakfast Gold level bathrooms have following accessible areas like towel racks, vanity/sink, closet poles Gold tourists can book their rooms 50 days in advance Call for help (dial 0) button is available What are 5 key points on how Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge management could entice the Platinum tourist to stay at the lodge? In order to become Platinum member of the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge, tourists required to spend 20 nights per year. (It is required for elite status). It has been found that 25% elite bonus required for the Platinum tourists. They can book rooms 75 days in advance for reward nights. The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge management provides 5 specific facilities to Platinum tourists in order to entice them to stay in the resort. They are mentioned below: Free airport transfers Free breakfasts Free unlimited internet access Free parking facility Dinner and champagne for special occasions Herbal spa treatments Utilization of Recreational Opportunity Spectrum (ROS) As Mohammed and Rashid (2012) mentioned that, ROS is a tool used to support definition and management of diverse outdoor recreation opportunities. It is based on the assumption that a range of factors (e.g., ease of access, density of use) contribute to recreation experiences, and through arraying various combinations of these factors, distinct recreation opportunities may be defined and managed. Prior to ROS, recreation experiences such as camping had been segmented based upon number factors, influencing satisfaction. These factors were conceptualized as a continua and it is this notion that remains rooted in ROS. It is a Four-tired framework which can link settings, activities, benefits and motivations. There are mainly three types of factors are related with ROS such as resource, social and managerial. What are the ranges of different ROS that are open to Gold tourists? The ranges of ROS open for Gold tourists are mentioned below: The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge provides exclusive phone numbers for customer services and reservations for Gold level Canada and US tourist members only. The resort can provide various special packages and offers exclusively for elite Gold members like complimentary room upgrade, lounge access and breakfast for 4 guests. They can book rooms 50 days in advance for reward nights. They can provide 250 bonus points for foods and beverages, who stays in Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. In case of Gold level customers, they only provide free breakfast as it is inexpensive. They have to pay extra if they want to use free internet service and airport transfer facility given by the resort. What are the ranges of different ROS that are open to Platinum tourists? The ranges of ROS open for Platinum tourists are mentioned below: The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge provides exclusive phone numbers for customer services and reservations for Platinum level Canada and US tourist members only. The resort can provide various special packages and offers exclusively for elite Platinum members. For example, wheelchairs are provided for platinum level customers who are physically challenge. They can use unlimited internet for free. Campaigns are provided to them during special occasions. They can book rooms 75 days in advance for reward nights. The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge provides 500 bonus points for foods and beverages, who stays in Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. The resort provides free airport transfers, breakfasts and unlimited internet access to platinum level customers. There are some extra value added services customized in order to fit the amenities and style of the resort. They are some as free parking, dinner, and champagne for special occasions and herbal spa treatments as extra luxuries. There is a table given below to discuss the Recreational Opportunity Spectrum for normal, Gold (elite) and Platinum (elite) members. Range of benefits Normal Gold Platinum Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge reward More than 250 ways to use reward points Late check out Gift shop discounts Lounge access and breakfast Complimentary room upgrade Free local phone Platinum arrival gift Free airport transportation Free parking Champagne for special occasions Herbal spa treatments Figure 5: Recreational Opportunity Spectrum for normal, Gold and Platinum members (Source: Chevalier Mayzlin, 2012) Critical review of the promotional strategies As Christensen and Raynor (2013) mentioned that, independent hotels like Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge do not have the same abundant resources and corporate guidance enjoyed by major business chains. For this reason the resort has carried out and devised their own marketing strategy depending on the quality and style of the hotel and target customers. Mass market promotion The resort has the reach and the marketing power to deliver big numbers when it comes to room nights sold. Most of the travelers of New Zealand are familiar with Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. It has a dedicated website to support its marketing campaign in the global market. The resort make contract online with both large business chains and individuals to sale hotel rooms on discount. When travelers try to find out hotels near Mt. Taranaki, Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge pops up as their first priority. As Chevalier and Mayzlin (2012) mentioned that, travelers select their hotels depending on the location, facilities and special offers available in that location. Using specialized agencies as selling tools Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge uses travel agencies as the trend of selling tools. These agencies help the resort to find out new ways to compete with renowned online sellers (Rohrs, 2013). For this reason, the resort has started to focus on market niche. For examples, some agencies have specialization to attract customers during off season. They can arrange different types of discounts and special packages for the customers of Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. It helps the resort to attract customers during the off season. Some agencies often help the resort to develop unique marketing message for tourists, in a way that mass market sellers will not be able to do. Discounts According to Christensen and Raynor (2013), discounts have almost the same effectiveness in hotel business just like any other business. The resort promises its potential guests to provide all the luxuries at lower rate compare to new customers in certain conditions. It also provides attractive discounts on extended stays and frequent visiting. As Blank (2013) stated that, offering discounts helps to improve customer loyalty for an organization. During off seasons, the resort provides on-time special discounts for new customers. It works with local government, to provide special rates in the tourist maps of New Zealand. It helps the resort to gain significant amount of traffic even from one-night-in-town set. It has been analyzed that the cost of sponsorships or promotions for the resort is low and in comparison the potential benefit is high. Partnership activity According to Blank (2013), Promotional strategies that incorporate the needs of more than one business are often cheaper to put together than solo marketing efforts, and appeal to a broader audience. For example, Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has developed partnership with a local tourist agency. All the tourists, who are using packages form this travel agency, have to stay in this resort, when they come to visit Mt. Taranaki. It cut down the promotional cost for the both the organization as half. Value added promotions As Barrow et al. (2012) mentioned that, value added promotions are both appreciated by clients and sellers. The resort provides different rewards and facilities to the visitors depending on the number of nights they stay. It helps travel agents to sell the luxury rooms easily to potential customers. For instance, the resort provides free airport transfers, breakfasts and unlimited internet access to platinum level customers. All these facilities help the resort to become top priority for the visitors who come to visit Mt. Taranaki. However, all these three facilities are only provided to platinum level customers. In case of Gold level customers, they only provide free breakfast as it is inexpensive. They have to pay extra if they want to use free internet service and airport transfer facility given by the resort. The cost of all these facilities are comparatively but the potential return is high (De Mooij, 2013). There are some extra value added services customized in order to fit th e amenities and style of the resort. They are some as free parking, dinner, and champagne for special occasions and herbal spa treatments as extra luxuries. Social media marketing As Barrow et al. (2012) stated that, Before the guest books your hotel or resort they will probably have done some research to pick the right hotel for them. Through Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and Tripadvisor you have the ability to influence how the guest perceives your hotel or resort before they book.Depending on the customerdemography, the resort has developedappropriate social media campaign. They are mentioned below: Facebook marketing Bergek et al. (2013) stated that Facebook is a place for people to share with their connections all about their vacation pre and post-trip. The resort has developed its own Facebook page, where they share many exiting facts about the resort and its location to attract potential visitors. They have selected an appropriate cover photo for the hotel depending on the seasonality, location and uniqueness of resort. It helps to describe what visitors are going to experience in the resort. They also give updates about the new offers and packages to attract visitors. Instagarm marketing As Barrow et al. (2012) mentioned that, hashtags are the components of using Instagram marketing. As the resort is located beside the Mt. Taranaki, it uses niche hashtags to attract certain group of visitors like #taranakiview. The resort also uses photo contests for customers to show how they enjoy their trip while staying at Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge. It is an effective way to promote positive things about the resort. Twitter marketing In Twitter marketing, the resort has to send a message across in 140 words or less. As Hsu (2012) stated that, Twitter makes it easy for guests to share their experiences with friends to generate referrals. It also provides a gateway to expose guests to what your hotel or resort has to offer. Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge provides different types of offers and packages in Twitter page to attract guests. For example, We are having a Mid-Summer Sale: Buy 2 nights get the 3rd free and All guests who stay now through June 30 get 2 for 1 passes to the Mt. Taranaki. Conclusion In this assignment, a strategic marketing plan has been developed for The Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge located in the Mount Taranaki National Park. In order to analyse the strategic marketing plan situational analysis and SWOT analysis has been conducted. It has been found that the resort has to face tough competition in the hotel industry. The changing rules and regulations also have affected business performance of the hotel. Depending on the analysis strategic marketing plan has been developed for next 3-5 years. In the next stage, the consumers behaviour for the resort has been analysed for different customer segments. In order to analyse consumer behaviour, the website of the resort has been reviewed. Some recommendations are also provided to the resort to improve its website. There some key points have been provided on how Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge management can entice gold and platinum tourists to stay at the lodge. Finally the critical review of the promotional strategies f or the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge has been done. Depending on all the issues some recommendations have been provided for the resort, so that they can improve their business performance. Recommendations Form the above discussion it has been found that running day-to-day operation of a hotel is not a easy task. The management of a hotel has to develop appropriate policies in order run day-to-day operations smoothly. The hotel management has to make sure that all the hotel guests are treated fairly and equally. For this reason, there are some recommendations have been provided for the Dawson Falls Mountain Lodge to improve its business operation. Development of efficient HVAC system In order to conserve more energy, the hotel management needs to tell their guests that they cannot keep their rooms as cool as they like. It has been found that the hotel management spendmore than 50% of the operational budget on heating and air conditioning. It has been found that using highly efficient High Voltage Alternative Current (HVAC) can helps to save cost for air condition. It uses fewer kilowatts and less energy to heat and cool a room. Taking care of employee welfare Hotel industry is a service oriented industry, where it is important that employees project an outgoing and friendly behaviour towards the customers. The management of the resort has to treat employees fairly and recognizing employees in accordance to their achievement. They need to provide communication training and technical training to the employees so that they can behave properly with their customers. Making differentiation with competitors Providing some unique benefits and facilities can help the resort to differentiate it from their competitors. For instance, the resort can extend the checkout time up to 3 pmor give extra 10% off on every room during off seasons. Focus on customer satisfaction Customer is not always right. It is not always just a catchy phrase. It is also a fundamental strategy of hotel business. If the guests are satisfied with the service, then they will pay positive dividends.On the other contrary, if the guests are not satisfied, then they will give negative posts on hotel review sites. Hence, it will cause loss of customers. 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